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These programs are outside of, but connected to, EH&S's sphere.

Environmental stewardship is a broad effort that requires the participation of many different groups at UCSF. Sustainability initiatives, building design / retrofitting, contractor activities, research techniques, university policy, and UCSF community awareness / behavior all have an impact on the environment. With the understanding that protection of the environment is everyone’s responsibility, UCSF Environmental Programs collaborates with several other UCSF departments to achieve our goals. UCSF programs that are close partners with Environmental Programs include:

UC-Wide Environmental Managers Workgroup

UC system wide workgroup comprised of environmental representatives from every UC Campus. Tasked with improving environmental programs, increasing regulatory compliance, and reducing environmental risk / liability to the university.

The University of California Environmental Managers Workgroup is made up of representatives from each UC Campus and National Lab environmental managers. Its charter is stated as follows:

  1. Achieve a common understanding of all legal requirements put in place to protect the environment.
  2. Identify challenges common to the Campuses and Labs that are most effectively addressed collectively. For these, collaborate to develop solutions for system-wide adoption.
  3. Identify existing best practices at each Campus and National Laboratory and consider for system-wide adoption. Best practices can consist of solutions that meet or exceed compliance.
  4. Where appropriate, develop environmental standards for, or otherwise influence the design of, new construction. In all respects, serve as a resource for capital projects.
  5. Ensure environmental programs are well represented in ISM and ISEM policies.

The UC Environmental Managers Workgroup conducts quarterly conference calls to collaborate on program aspects and implementation strategies, as well as analysis of emerging regulations. 

UC-Wide Environmental Risk Assessment

In March 2011, the Environmental Managers Workgroup conducted a system wide environmental risk assessment in conjunction with UC Office of the President, Bickmore Risk Services, and Beyond Compliance, LLC. The risk survey identified ten areas that Environmental Programs system wide should concentrate on in the coming year(s). Those areas are as follows:

Score      Environmental Program

760          Soil - Import/Export/Management

512          Air – Prohibitory Rules Analysis/Cost Impact

512          Air – Ozone Depleting Subst – Improve/Align programs UC wide

512           Air – Ozone Depleting Subst. – Software

488          Air – Diesel Engines

438          Data Systems – Track Enforcement

438          Data Systems – Campus Specific Risk Assessment

376          Air – Prohibitory Rules Tracking

350          Stormwater – Construction Permit Compliance

350          Stormwater – Rules Tracking


These results indicate areas for improvement for environmental programs system wide, but do not speak to specific issues that affect individual campuses. The Environmental Managers Workgroup identified goals and action items to close regulatory gaps, share best practices, and request resources where needed. Current action items and immediate goals include:

  • Environmental Managers to prioritize the top 10 list
  • Establish working sub-groups
  • Share resources / best practices (Establish centralized FTP site; Upload documents)
  • Develop system wide template programs / guidelines
  • Develop system wide environmental policies (either for campus or UCOP)
  • Leverage UCOP for communication with non-environmental groups
  • By using this report as a road map, the Environmental Managers Workgroup hopes to improve environmental programs across the University of California in the next 3-5 years.

Chemical Inventory

Environmental Programs currently administers the UCSF Online Chemical Inventory system, generates related reports and performs analysis services for internal departments seeking chemical information.

Understanding locations and volumes of hazardous substances within UCSF buildings is critical to emergency responders, UCSF staff and students, building design and regulatory compliance.

Chemical inventory at UCSF is used for a variety of applications, including:

Hazardous Materials Business Plans

The primary document for emergency responders. This document locates all hazardous materials on a physical map of the building to guide emergency responders during an event. Mandated by California Health and Safety Code, Div 20, Chapter 6.95, Section 255000 and enforced by San Francisco Dept of Public Health.

Occupancy Permits / Chemical Loading Analysis

This analysis is performed at the request of the State Fire Marshal for new and existing buildings. Buildings must be designed to contain proposed hazardous material loads. Chemical load analysis is performed during building design for plans approval and again post occupancy to finalize the Permit of Occupancy. Existing buildings may be subject to a new analysis if there are major changes in usage or chemical storage volumes. Mandated by the California Fire Code and enforced by the State Fire Marshal.

Dept of Homeland Security Chemical Facility Anti-Terrorism Standard

In November of 2007, the Dept of Homeland Security identified over 160 chemicals subject to terrorist activity. All quantities of these materials in excess of the threshold limits are subject to reporting and added security measures. Mandated by the Che mical Facility Anti-Terrorism Standard and enforced by the Dept of Homeland Security.

Hazard Communication

All employees are to be trained on all hazards within their immediate work environment prior to the start of work. The Online Chemical Inventory system can provide quick access to chemical inventories and associated hazard classes of those materials. Used in conjunction with online Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS) available at , these can be used as a tools to assist PIs and Lab Managers in fulfilling the Occupational Safety and Health Administration's (OSHA) Hazard Communication Standard (HCS), 29 CFR 1910.1200.

Toxic Air Contaminants survey for Genentech Hall

Due to the size of UCSF’s Genentech Hall at Mission Bay, an annual analysis of Toxic Air Contaminants ( is required to maintain UCSF’s exempt status for TAC emissions. Mandated by the Permit to Operate, issued by the BAAQMD.

EH&S Carcinogen Program

Known and suspected human carcinogens are tracked by the Online Chemical Inventory System. Mandated and enforced by California Occupational Safety and Health Administration (Cal OSHA). 

Survey UCSF for specific compounds for special projects

The Chemical Inventory System allows EH&S to survey the entire campus quickly when searching for a rare or potentially dangerous compound, where added safety, security, or training may be required.

The Online Chemical Inventory System is available through the Research Information Online database (

FAQ regarding the Online Chemical Inventory. can be found at the EH&S website.

It is strongly recommended that lab coordinators review this information prior to using the chemical inventory system. Any questions, comments, or suggestions may be emailed to the Chemical Inventory Administrator at [email protected]     

EH&S Plan Reviews

Environmental Programs works closely with UCSF Campus Planning on many environmental topics that affect the larger UCSF community.

UCSF Environmental Programs reviews construction plans / documents for all projects that may contain:

  • Permit required equipment / sources
  • Soil disturbing activities
  • Stormwater emissions
  • Industrial waste discharge
  • Adverse impact to the environment

If your project requires environmental review, or you wish to discuss an environmental consultation, please contact Environmental Programs. If you wish to schedule a full plans review meeting involving all EH&S disciplines, please contact the Campus Fire Marshal.