Soil Program

Specific programs managed by UCSF Environmental Programs include:

  • Soil Export - Removal of any UCSF soils to an off site location or disposal facility
  • Soil Import - Importing fill material for use on UCSF land
  • Mission Bay Development Area Soil Reuse and Transport - Several site specific rules apply to use, reuse, transport and export of Mission Bay native soils

By its very nature, soil is less dynamic than air or water. Soil based contaminants may remain for decades without active mitigation measures, creating a persistent hazard to human health and the environment. Soil and fill material are to be sampled and analyzed prior to any import to or export from any UCSF location.
Due to the large volumes often associated with construction activities and difficulty of soil clean up efforts, soil import / export often represents a significant financial risk to the university. Environmental Programs strongly recommends using native soils in place where appropriate, but understands that soil import / export is essential to the successful completion of large construction projects.

Contact Environmental Programs if you have questions or concerns relating to observed or potential soil contamination or import, export and transportation of fill material.


EHS Categories
