Animal Exposure Surveillance Program
The Public Health Service Policy on Humane Care and Use of Laboratory Animals requires institutions that receive federal funding to provide an occupational health and safety program for employees, visitors and students that work with or have exposure to research animals.
UCSF has an Occupational Health and Safety Program intended to provide guidelines for establishing a high level of safety for all individuals who are involved in the care and use of research animals. The Animal Exposure Surveillance Program (AESP) is one part of this program and serves to provide risk assessment and risk reduction strategies for all individuals with exposure to research animals at UCSF.
All new and current UCSF employees/research personnel who have contact with animals in the course of their work are required to participate in baseline and annual health screening procedures by enrolling in the Occupational Health Services' AESP. Failure to comply may result in a restriction from working with animals.
The Medical Health Screening (MHS) Questionnaire is available on-line through UCSF My Access.
Due to security and private health information, this questionnaire can only be accessed from a UCSF computer or through VPN. Please refer to the VPN instructions for accessing the MHS questionnaire from outside of the UCSF network. Please contact the Public Health Office for any questions.
Policies on Animal Surveillance and Training:
Bites and Scratches
Immune Compromised Workers/Trainees
Inherent Hazards
Laboratory Animal Allergies
Protocol Related Hazards
Reproductive Health