How are you feeling? Has your body been talking to you about little (or not so little) tweaks?
Ergonomics is A human-centered, systems-based applied science that improves the fit between people, their work tasks, and work environments
Environmental Programs strive to promote environmental stewardship, ensure regulatory compliance and mitigate environmental liability. We believe that active protection of the environment directly contributes to a happier, healthier community, while reducing financial risk to the university. Environmental Programs works to reduce UCSF’s environmental impact by:- Minimizing waste and pollution.- Establishing and reporting on key environmental performance indicators.- Raising environmental awareness among our staff, faculty and student body.- Have additional questions? Please visit Related Programs.
This team provides technical support for health care accreditation, injury and illness reduction, job hazard analyses, occupational exposure monitoring, and strict oversight of hazardous building materials.
This page provides guidance on maintaining a safe workplace for all UCSF faculty and staff working in lab environments.
EH&S provides customer support technician service two days monthly- once at Parnassus and once at Mission Bay.
Radiation Dosimetry Badges