Office & Lab Ergonomics

Office Ergonomics

Prolonged and/or repeated computer use can lead to increased risk of discomfort and computer related injuries. Typically, computer related injuries are classified as Cumulative Trauma Disorder (CTD) or Repetitive Strain Injuries (RSI).

Computers are the tool we all have in common. Whether you use a computer in a standard office setting, in a laboratory, or in a clinic, the same ergonomic principles apply. Take time to analyze and adjust your environment. You will greatly reduce your risk of injury and you will be able to work more comfortably. Review our Computer Work Station Set Up and other resources below to properly set up your work station. 

Refer to the new Steelcase/One Workplace eCommerce site (available in BearBuy starting in July 2018) for more information on new UCSF standard chairs approved for ergonomics and sustainability and how to adjust these.

Laboratory Ergonomics

Working safely in the laboratory requires more than just knowledge of hazardous material safety.  Laboratory work presents with multiple ergonomic challenges.

Laboratory Ergonomics Training

A comprehensive training was developed to introduce you to the ergonomics risk factors in the laboratory, basic ergonomic principles and their application to the laboratory setting and the resources available to you.

The training can be found on UC Learning Center.

Laboratory Ergonomics Self-Evaluation

This self evaluation will assist you to evaluate your work station and working postures.  Discuss the results with your supervisor to find ways to mitigate the risks.  Note:  a copy of your self evaluation will be required to participate in the Fund Reimbursement Programs and to request an individual evaluation.

Computers in the Laboratory Environment

Although prevalent in the laboratory environment, computers and laptops often appear to be an afterthought based on their non-ergonomic set up.  The Office Ergonomic Training is applicable to all computer users.  Apply these office ergonomic guidelines to your computer set up in the laboratory environment.  The training can be found on UC Learning Center

Review the approved equipment list to assist you with equipment selection related to your computer set up.

EHS Categories
