Controlled Substances Waste Management

Questions? Contact Environment, Health and Safety


Here you will learn about how to safely dispose of Controlled Subsatnces

Disposal of Controlled Substances

Controlled Substances are not allowed to be disintegrated, crushed into powder and dissolved in water for disposal. They must be picked up by EH&S who will arrange for proper disposal. EH&S will coordinate and make arrangements with the designated disposal site. It is the responsibility of each person that orders and receives Controlled Substances to notify EH&S about Controlled Substances waste.

Categories of Waste

Controlled substances that can be surrendered for disposal are defined as follows:

  • Wasted Drugs - These include items such as unused tables, injections, oral liquid or preparations compounded in error which contain Controlled Substances.
  • Expired Drugs - These include Controlled Substances which have exceeded their shelf life, unwanted Controlled Substances classified as non-formulary, drug or drug that has fallen into disuse.

Disposal Procedures

To submit controlled substances for disposal, please follow the procedures below:

  • Appropriate Controlled Substance disposal request form must be completed to arrange for disposal. When completing disposal forms, include, CSA number, participating member name, PI name, building and room number and phone number, if applicable, provide the original registration from where substances were obtained, list the name of the drug (full package drugs must be listed as a separate line item from partial package drugs), completed form must be signed and dated by authorized participating member.
  • A file copy must be filed and kept for three years.
  • Send original copy of form to EH&S Box 0942 or Faxed at (415) 476–0581 (Parnassus) and 514-4297 (all other locations).

Upon receipt of complete form, EH&S will schedule the pickup of controlled substances.