Laboratory Clearance

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Learn more about Laboratory Clearance

Controlled Substances

All laboratories (chemical, biological, and radiological) must undergo a laboratory clearance prior to being retired, remodeled, renovated, cleaned, or relocated*.

When performing a laboratory clearance involving controlled substances, the following procedures must be followed. For additional information, refer to the UCSF Controlled Substances Program Manual:

  1. Intent to dispose: Submit completed “UCSF Controlled Substances Schedule II / Schedule III-V Disposal Request Form” to EH&S.
  2. Intent to transfer: Submit written request for transfers of controlled substances to Controlled Substances Officer (CSO). Receiving Principal Investigator (PI) must have current Controlled Substances Authorization (CSA) and same Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA) registration (same campus location). Indicate amount transferred for each vial on Controlled Substances Transfer form. Refer to UCSF Controlled Substances Program Manual, Sec. K.
  3. Intent to retire: Submit in writing intent to retire CSA to CSO. Dispose all controlled substances and submit online inventory indicating “zero quantity.”
  4. Relocation: Authorized user listed in the CSA may transport controlled substances to new location within the same DEA registration. If this is not the case, contact CSO for assistance. CSA must be modified to reflect new location.
  5. Empty vials: Dispose of unused or expired controlled substances as well as empty vial containers through EH&S. If there is no usable amount of controlled substance left in a vial, the empty vial can be disposed in the regular trash after defacing the label.

EH&S must confirm clearance is complete in all cases prior to retiring or modification of CSA.

Biological Clearance

All laboratories (chemical, biological, and radiological) must undergo a LABORATORY CLEARANCE prior to being retired, remodeled, renovated, cleaned, or relocated*.

When performing a LABORATORY CLEARANCE involving biological materials, the following procedures must be followed. For additional information, refer to the UCSF Biological Safety Manual (BSM):

  1. Disposal: Dispose of biohazardous waste (dry, liquid, sharps, pathological, etc.) as outlined in BSM.  EH&S will pick up biohazardous waste.
  2. Transfers: Complete Biological Usage Authorization (BUA) Transfer Form to transfer biomaterials to another Principal Investigator (PI). Contact Biosafety Officer (BSO) for the BUA Transfer Form and additional information.
  3. Usage Areas/Equipment: Decontaminate all usage areas, furniture, storage areas, freezers, refrigerators, etc., with 0.5% sodium hypochlorite (1:10 dilution of household bleach), Wescodyne, or other suitable disinfectant.
  4. Defrosting: Unplug and defrost freezers and refrigerators. Collect frost melt fluid and decontaminate by bringing to a final concentration of 0.5% sodium hypochlorite (bleach). Allow fluid to stand for 30 minutes after mixing; pour fluid down the sink.  Wipe inner and outer surfaces with 0.5% sodium hypochlorite.

Biosafety Cabinets: Decontaminate using EH&S authorized vendor.

LABORATORY CLEARANCES may be accomplished via 3 possible mechanisms:

  1. Laboratory personnel may perform the above procedures. 
  2. Laboratory may request service from EH&S. A cost estimate will be provided and the service will be recharged.
  3. Laboratory may contract with an EH&S approved vendor.

EH&S must confirm clearance is complete in all cases prior to retiring or modification of BUA.

Chemical Clearance

All laboratories (chemical, biological, and radiological) must undergo a LABORATORY CLEARANCE prior to being retired, remodeled, renovated, cleaned, or relocated*.

When performing a LABORATORY CLEARANCE involving chemicals, the following procedures must be followed. For additional information, refer to the UCSF Chemical Hygiene Plan:

  1. Waste: Print waste tags from the WASTe program. Attach tags to containers (waste, unused, unopened, etc.). EH&S personnel will pick up tagged containers.  NOTE: Chemical waste pickup as part of laboratory clearance is not budgeted therefore service will be recharged.
  2. Equipment: Decontaminate equipment for movement or disposal. Drain equipment of solutions and clean surfaces with soap and water. Plug outlets to prevent residual leakage.
  3. Use areas: Decontaminate lab benches, surfaces, shelves, etc. Use soap and water.
  4. Fume hoods: Decontaminate accessible chemical fume hood surfaces with soap and water. EH&S technician will perform clearance of hood. If clean, hood will be posted verifying that it has been appropriately cleaned and is ready for next user(s). Once posted, fume hood cannot be used. Only EH&S personnel can remove posting.

LABORATORY CLEARANCES may be accomplished via 3 possible mechanisms:

  1. Laboratory personnel may perform the above procedures.  
  2. Laboratory may request complete service from EH&S involving all of the above steps. A cost estimate will be provided and the service will be recharged.
  3. Laboratory may contract with an EH&S approved vendor.

EH&S must confirm clearance is complete in all cases.

Radiological Clearance

All laboratories (chemical, biological, and radiological) must undergo a LABORATORY CLEARANCE prior to being inactivated, retired, remodeled, renovated, cleaned, or relocated*.

When performing a laboratory clearance involving radioactive materials (RAM), the following procedures must be followed. For additional information, refer to the UCSF Radiation Safety Manual (RSM):

  1. EQUIPMENT: Survey equipment and perform wipe testing on interior and exterior surfaces. Survey results must show <3X above background.   If results are >3X background, perform additional decontamination and recount.  If equipment cannot be decontaminated, contact EH&S. File wipe test results in Radioisotope Usage Authorization (RUA) logbook. Remove radioactive tape, labels, signs, etc. PRIOR to transport/disposal.
  2. RAM: Prepare isotope source vials, waste, scintillation vials, etc. for disposal as outlined in RSM, Ch. 5, Sec. F. For isotope transfer to another lab, see RSM, Ch. 5, Section A3.
  3. USAGE AREAS: Use survey meter to monitor use areas. Perform wipe tests on use and non-use areas. Survey results must show <3X above background. Perform additional decontamination procedures if necessary. File results in RUA logbook.  Refer to RSM, Appendix G for additional details
  4. SEALED SOURCES: Contact vendor for movement of equipment containing sealed source(s). If equipment will be disposed of, vendor must remove sealed source(s) and dispose as radioactive waste prior to unit disposal.

LABORATORY CLEARANCES may be accomplished via 3 possible mechanisms

  1. Laboratory personnel may perform the above procedures.
  2. Laboratory may request service from EH&S. A cost estimate will be provided and the service will be recharged. 
  3. Laboratory may contract with an EH&S approved vendor. 

EH&S must confirm clearance is complete in all cases prior to inactivating or retiring of an RUA.