Training Overview & Requirements

Questions? Contact Environment, Health and Safety


UCSF EH&S creates, delivers, and tracks environmental, health, and safety trainings for faculty, staff, students, contractors and visitors.

Determine your training needs by first speaking with your supervisor about the hazards you encounter in your work.

EH&S offers classroom and online trainings for the UCSF community. Online trainings are available in the Learning Management System (LMS)


The LMS requires a UCSF login ID for access.

If you are unable to access LMS, please contact UCSF IT at 415-514-4100.

If you are experiencing a technical issue, please submit a ticket with UC Learning Center

If you experience any issues within a course due to a disability, report the accessibiliy issue using our form.

Please review the training matrix for more detailed information regarding training requirements.

Accessibility Request Form

Animal Research Safety

All individuals who work with old world non-human primates and/or their tissue should refer to the Herpes B Training Policy, which details the required training for each employee based on their exposure and the required procedures to complete this training

Initial training before starting work assignment

Recurrence: Annually

Regulated by
Institutional Biosafety Committee

Q Fever Online Training

Training is required for all individuals who work with sheep and/or their tissue. Must complete the online Q Fever training course before beginning work and every three years thereafter.

Initial training before starting work assignment

Recurrence: Every 3 years

Regulated by:
Institutional Biosafety Committee

Waste Anesthetic Gas (WAG)

Training is required for all individuals who work with isoflurane and other ansthetic gasses. Training must be refreshed every 2 years.

Initial training before starting work assignment

Recurrence: Every 2 years

Regulated by:

Biological Safety

Training is required for personnel who work with Risk Group 3 infectious material on animals except birds, fish, reptiles and amphibians.

Initial training before starting work assignment

Recurrence: Annually

Regulated by:
Institutional Biosafety Committee

Biosafety Training

Training is required for all laboratory personnel working in:

  • Biosafety Level 1 
  • Biosafety Level 2 & 3
  • Animal Biosafety Level 1 & 2 facility
  • Individuals listed on active Biological Use Authorization (BUA)

Initial training is required before work in the lab can occur.

Recurrence: Every 4 years

Regulated by: 

  • Institutional Biosafety Committee (IBC)
  • NIH

Bloodborne Pathogens

Training is required for personnel working with human source material (including established or primary cell lines, blood, body fluids, organs, and tissues), or are members of a PI’s laboratory who has BUA approval to work with any human source materials.

Initial training before starting work assignment

Reoccurrence: Annually

Regulated by: Cal/OSHA

Herpes B Training

Training is required for personnel who are live Macaque Users and those working with Non-Human Primates (NHP) or material(s) from NHP, or share lab space with NHP labs

Initial training before starting work assignment

Recurrence: Annually

Regulated by:
Institutional Biosafety Committee

Medical Health Screening Questionnaire

Training is required for personnel who have contact with animals or animal tissue

Initial training before starting work assignment

Recurrence: Annually

Regulated by: Cal/OSHA

Safe Shipping of Biohazards /
Dry Ice

Training is required for personnel who ship biological material or ship on dry ice.

Initial training before starting work assignment

Recurrence: Every 2 years

Regulated by: Cal/OSHA

Q Fever Online Training

Training is required for personnel who work with sheep and sheep tissue

Initial training before starting work assignment

Recurrence: Every 3 years

Regulated by
Institutional Biosafety Committee

Campus-Wide Training

COVID-19 Prevention

All UCSF employees

Initial training before starting work assignment and before returning to work onsite at UCSF

Recurrence: None

Regulated by: Cal/OSHA, CDPH

Campus Injury and Illness Prevention Program (IIPP)

All UCSF Employees

All UCSF Employees and Personnel who work in the lab

Recurrence: None

Regulated by: Cal/OSHA

Chemical Safety

Personnel who work with chemicals known to be carcinogenic in humans (including formaldehyde)

Initial training before starting work assignment

Recurrence: Annually

Regulated by: Cal/OSHA

Hazard Communication

UCSF non-laboratory employees who work with hazardous chemicals

Initial training before starting work assignment

Recurrence: Annually

Regulated by: Cal/OSHA

Safe Handling and Use
of Pyrophoric Chemicals

(Coming Soon)

Training is required for personnel who work with pyrophoric chemicals

Initial training before starting work assignment

Recurrence: None

Regulated by: Cal/OSHA

Controlled Substances

Training is required for personnel who work with DEA controlled substances

Initial training before starting work assignment

Recurrence: Every 4 years

Regulated by: UCOP


Training is for personnel whose work involves repetitive motion in the laboratory

Take every two years, when you change jobs or workstations or if you experience discomfort

Recurrence: None

Regulated by: Cal/OSHA

UCSF Campus: Office Ergonomics eCourse and Self-Evaluation

Training is for all personnel working at an office or computer workstation.

Take every two years, when you change jobs or workstations or if you experience discomfort

Recurrence: None

Regulated by: Cal/OSHA

UCSF Campus: Ergonomics for Remote Work - Training and Self-Evaluation

Training is for all personnel working remotely.

Take every two years, when you change jobs or workstations or if you experience discomfort

Recurrence: None

Regulated by: Cal/OSHA

Fire & Life Safety

Training is for personnel who should be familiar with use of fire extinguishers, emergency action plans, etc.

Optional or as assigned by the Campus Fire Marshal


General Laboratory Safety

Training is required for all personnel working in a laboratory

Initial training is required before work in the lab can occur. 

Recurrence: Every 3 years

Regulated by: Cal/OSHA, UCOP

Training is required for all researchers working in a laboratory

Initial training is required before work in the lab can occur. 

Recurrence: Annually

Regulated by: Cal/OSHA

This training is provided as a resource to researchers who have to directly work with cryogenic liquid dewars as part of their duties. This training provides instructions on how to connect and disconnect cryogenic liquid transfer hoses and how to safely dispense liquids from dewars.

Optional, but recommended

Radiation Safety

Training is required for personnel who operate a Class 3b or Class 4 laser or laser system

Initial training before starting work assignment

Recurrence: Determined by LSO

Regulated by: Cal/OSHA

Training is required for personnel who use Radioactive Material and Radiation Machines

Initial training before starting work assignment

Recurrence: Annually

Regulated by: NRC and RHB

Training is required for personnel who work with radioactive materials (RAM)

Initial training before starting work assignment

Recurrence: Annually

Regulated by: NCR and RHB

Training is required for personnel who use Radioactive Material and Radiation Machines

Initial training before starting work assignment

Recurrence: Annually

Regulated by: NRC and RHB