
UCSF Health developed procedures to expedite evacuation of the clinics in unforeseen events.  If a fire is SUSPECTED or CONFIRMED, remain calm and immediately do the following:

  • Remove patients and personnel from the immediate fire area, if safe to do so.
  • Activate Alarm and Notify others - follow 3 steps:
    1) Pull the nearest Fire Alarm (pull station)
    2) Call 911!  Provide (a) location of fire including building, floor, and room number; (b) description of problem; (c) your name and contact number.
    3) Notify your fellow staff members and ask them to help.
  • Contain the fire and the smoke by closing all doors leading into and surrounding the fire area. Do not lock doors.
  • Extinguish the fire if safe to do so by using your nearest fire extinguisher and reciting the P.A.S.S. acronym(Pull, Aim, Squeeze, Sweep) and have an associate retrieve a second extinguisher or Evacuate (a) if the fire cannot be extinguished safely; evacuate the area horizontally to the next safe smoke compartment; (b) do not open doors that feel hot to the touch near the top; (c) if it is not safe to evacuate horizontally, evacuate vertically down a safe stairwell to the designated vertical evacuation staging floor/unit.

    Download, print and post PASS Fire Extinguisher instructions

Evacuation Procedures

Hospital or In-patient Locations
Fires in hospitals are not common, but can have serious consequences. When a fire alarm sound in the hospital, what do you need to do?
Hospitals are “defend-in-place” structures built with fire protection features including fire doors and smoke compartments meant to limit the spread of fire and/or smoke. It is however important to pay attention to critical conditions that will require one of the following: closing all patient doors in the area to prevent movement of smoke; evacuation of the smoke compartment; and moving patients out of the unit beyond the set of double doors and into a neighboring unit or building.  Staff should be alert for possible need to evacuate and listen for further instructions. If an evacuation is ordered, staff should close all doors once rooms are evacuated and checked for occupants/patients.  Learn more about the Medical Center's fire response procedures by reviewing the Fire Life Safety policy.

Evacuation Routes

Do you know your Evacuation Route? Check!

Do you know your building's Assembly Area?

Floor Warden Program

Floor Wardens are assigned to each floor or department within a building to help ensure that all are aware of an emergency situation and facilitate appropriate staff response.

EHS Categories

Fire and Life Safety