High Rise Buildings

High-rise fire safety begins with each one of us. For your safety and the safety of others, review steps you can take to handle a fire emergency.
Learn about High Rise Building Evacuation and become familiar with your specific building’s Emergency Action Plan (EAP) as all plans are unique depending on your setting, office, medical, etc.

Review the Fire Emergency Procedures & Equipment information

Tour the areas where you work in your building, to identify and correct common fire hazards with Fire Prevention 101

Free Trainings

Fire and Life Safety Overview of fire safety. Topics include: Fire prevention, fire protection, what to do in case of fire, and fire extinguishers.

UCSF Housing Services Safety Overview of fire life safety topics for UCSF Housing occupants and staff. Topics include: Fire protection, what to do in case of a fire, and how to use a fire extinguisher.

UCSF Floor Warden Training Floor warden responsibilities during a fire alarm. Topics include: R.A.C.E. (Relocate, Alarm, Confine, Evacuate), building fire/life safety features, fire triangle, types of fires, how to use fire extinguishers - P.A.S.S. (Pull, Aim, Squeeze, Sweep), and human behavior and fire.

Is your building a High-Rise building?
High-Rise buildings are defined as “buildings greater than 75 feet (approximately 23 m) in height where the building height is measured from the lowest level of fire department vehicle access to the floor of the highest occupiable story”.

Table of High Rise Buildings

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Fire and Life Safety