COVID-19 and Working Onsite at UCSF

Questions? Contact Environment, Health and Safety


Keep yourself and others working around you safe from Covid-19

UCSF is committed to keeping everyone safe and healthy during the COVID-19 pandemic. If you are working onsite at UCSF, please keep these general safety requirements in mind. There may be additional, more specific requirements that apply in your unit. 

Whether you have been working onsite all along or you are just returning to UCSF, this training document summarizes what to expect onsite and how you can keep yourself and those around you safe.

COVID-19 Basics

COVID-19, caused by a new coronavirus, is a respiratory disease that spreads from person to person through close contact. The virus that causes COVID-19 is spread through respiratory droplets when an infected person talks, coughs, or sneezes. These droplets can land in the mouths or noses of people who are nearby or possibly be inhaled into the lungs. An infected person can spread COVID-19 to others even if they themselves are not sick. Following the precautions on this document is important because COVID-19 can be, in some cases, a fatal disease.



• Cough

• Fever

• Chills

• Muscle pain

• Sore throat

• New loss of taste or smell

• Shortness of breath or difficulty breathing

If you are experiencing any of these symptoms, or have been exposed to COVID-19, do not come onsite to work.

COVID Employee Hotline: 415-514-7328


When to Seek Medical Attention


• Trouble breathing

• Persistent pain or pressure in the chest

• New confusion

• Inability to wake or stay awake

• Bluish lips or face


Who is Most Vulnerable?

People over 60 and people who have underlying medical conditions like heart or lung disease or diabetes seem to be at higher risk for developing more serious complications from COVID-19 illness.

Prevent the Spread

Social/Physical Distancing

Remain at least 6 feet apart whenever possible.

Use stairs when possible - Do not crowd into elevators. Adhere to physical distancing markers in the elevators. 

In congregate workspaces, sit at least 6 feet apart.

Follow these guidelines both at work and elsewhere.


Face Covering Requirements

Wear a face covering at all times except when alone in a private office or personal vehicle, or when eating distant from others. Face coverings protect others rather than the wearer themselves. 

If you have a face cover at home, you’re encouraged to bring and use it. Both your nose and mouth must be covered.

Free face coverings are available to UCSF personnel at health screening stations (see screening section).

Note - a surgical mask is required to be worn in clinical areas.


Frequently wash hands for 20 seconds or longer. Wash your hands before and after using a face covering, after interacting with others, and after contacting shared surfaces/objects.

Use hand sanitizer when handwashing is not possible.

Avoid touching your face and avoid sharing personal items with coworkers.

Periodically disinfect high-touch surfaces and shared equipment.

Cough/sneeze into your elbow or disposable tissue. Wash your hands afterwards.

Daily Health Screening

Familiarize yourself with the Daily Health Screening Tool

A daily health screening is required if you will be working onsite. The tool will help determine if you are cleared to work for the day.

Complete your screening before coming onto UCSF. At any point in the day you may be asked to show your clearance pass.

If you test positive for COVID-19 you must self-report the positive results:

UCSF Occupational Health Services (OHS) - faculty, staff, trainees, and volunteers

UCSF Student Health and Counseling Services (SHCS) - students







If you are ill, have any symptoms, or have been exposed to COVID-19, you must stay home. 

Additional Laboratory Requirements

Biosafety Manual COVID-19

Guidance for Researchers COVID-19

Supplemental Lab Safety Procedures

General Resources

IIPP (Campus)

Protocol for Working Onsite

UCSF COVID-19 Resources

UCSF COVID-19 Worksite Specific Plan

 UCSF Protocol in Other Languages

UCSF Health Resources

COVID-19 Clinical Resources

Environment of Care Policies

Return to Work Guidelines for Staff


UCSF Health Infection Control


Have Questions?

 Environment, Health and Safety • (415) 476-1300 • [email protected]

To contact EH&S off hours call UCPD Non-Emergency: (415) 476-1414